
Thursday, February 20, 2025

The words..

 It has been 5 years since I struggle hard to recite the holy words.. Al Quran Nur Kareem.. It started during Covid when I could go to office and needed to work from home..

One day, I was watching outside my front door and dreaming things.. When I heard my neighbour next door reciting Quran. I felt sad because my recitation was not as smooth as he's and I was jealous. Why can't I recite like her.

From that day onwards I recite every day.. Looking up You Tube to learn to pronoun the words correctly. I struggled hard but I make a point never to leave a da without recite at least few lines from Quran.

My eyes began to deteriorate so I installed apps in my phone so I can recite any time and anywhere.

Now after 5 years I can recite like my neighbour and spend any free time to recite even when taking a break during my morning walk.. Sitting at the park and recite. 

Al Quran is my food.. And my day is not complete without it. If I was nearly falling asleep, I jumped out of my bed and recite when suddenly remembered that I didnot recite that day.

The thing I am scared about is when I die I can't recite.. And I really hope the words get into my heart and stay there.. To be my friends and lit up my dark space inside the ground.. 

I now truly believe.. The closer you try to get near Allah, the much closer He gets to you.. Thank You Dear Allah for giving me the lights.. From the one who could not recite to the person who can't live without Your Words.. You Are The Most Kind and The Most Merciful..


Monday, January 13, 2025


                    From YouTube

All along my life, I have never been admitted in hospital wards  except for pregnancy cases or deliveries. Nevertheless, year 2025 broke my record.

Last Tuesday, Aurora had a school off so we went out late for breakfast. Early morning I had some fried bananas and  and later some mee hon soup. That afternoon I had some rice with a fried fish. Almost immediately I felt something was wrong. 

I vomited everything.. Non stop. My husband drove me to emergency. After drip I refused to be admitted and went home. The whole night I could not even keep a few sips of water in my tummy.. All out and by the next morning I was too weak and my husband had to carry me back to emergency. 

No choice I had be warded. Meaning the doctors were going to study me, my health history and all. Of course my diabetics would be the major drawback. 

3 days and 2 nights I had my holidays in the ward which was more like a nightmare. I could not move, I vomited and every inch of my two arms were jabbed for drip and insulin. I lost count how many times my blood was taken for tests. 

When the doctor came to my bed the third morning and broke the news that I would be discharged, it was the happiest moment in my life. 

Until now, I feel weak. Slowly my appetite came back and the vimitting completely stopped. Alhamdulillah.. Thank You Allah. 

To all the doctors ( young and handsome.. Woww).. nurses and even the cleaners.. Thank you so much. You are all great workers. 

To my dearest sister De, Jun..Abg  E.. Thank you for your care and love and food. And my husband and kids.. You are the reasons I want to home... Love


Sunday, January 5, 2025

New Year 2025

 I feel so old.. And so grateful that I am still alive today. I had never thought I could manage to come to this new year.. Year 2025.

I am so grateful with so many things.. My life is blessed with so much happiness and contentment. I have everything and enough. 

Happy New Year all. 

        My beautiful children.. 
