I seldom talk about my girl.. Anduk. I keep her exclusive because she is so precious for us. However, today marks her special day.. Her graduation day after years of hard work in her studies.
Anduk.. We are proud of you my girl. You have a strong heart, a very loving and gentle lady but an ambitious person and very adamant in persuing her target.
And, today you deserve every single respect and happiness because you have reached the day to hold the degree in your hands.
It rains almost every day here. When it rains I tend to be melancholic. I enjoy listening to the splatters of the rain water coming down to the roof.. Looking at the water drops directly from the sky. Sitting alone at the kitchen and staring aimlessly through the window glass panes and think.. Remembering...
Such a simple activity but gives a lot of meanings to me.. Nowadays, I prefer to be alone.. If not in my bedroom, my next favorite place is the kitchen. Sometimes Jacob sits to accompany me there.. He too likes looking out..for any other cat passes by or any other movements by the stray dogs.. And later asking some snack from me.. 😍
Raining brings a lot of memories.. Happy times and sad moments.. It is like a silent movie when all the events in my life came across my mind with each of the rain drops. Such a long twisted movie.. Ages and ages of old pictures came splashing in front of my eyes that I feel that I have lived too long..
I remember the time I was little in Pahang.. Playing in the rain with my siblings, the time I was schooling.. The cold water drops on my face when I missed my bus in my university life.. Walking back to college.. Until the small water drops on my body with cold wind blowing as I sat reciting Yassin on my father's grave last week in Johor..