
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day to all..

Trying to put new entry many times..sometimes halfway typed..but then stopped coz of many other important things to take care. At the moment, Aurora is sleeping peacefully, my husband who is waiting for the 2 am football game, making a toast ( lapar la tu) daughter has gone to bed early and I too had gone to bed but got up again, took ventolin for my asthmatic..and now while waiting for the pill to take effect, writing my latest entry.

I am wishing every mother Happy Mother's Day. And even you are not yet become a mother, you still have a mother to remember, to cherish, to send Al-Fatihah is she isn't around anymore, and if you are still lucky, you can always go home, hug her and kiss her or at least call her and say I Love You Mum..

The last photo of mak..2 weeks before she passed away in Mekkah performing Hajj.
Mak..Ju sayang mak..sayang yang tidak dapat disebutkan lagi dengan mak berada di hadapan Ju. Walau mak sudah 12 tahun pergi, Ju tak pernah rasa mak meninggal..Ju rasa mak hilang saja di Mekkah sana. Satu hari Ju juga akan sampai di sana melawat mak..dan Ju juga ingin sekali dikuburkan di sana bersama mak. Semoga Allah mengampunkan segala dosa mak dan meletakkan mak di kalangan orang beriman. Moga satu hari itu dapat menghilangkan kerinduan Ju pada mak. Sekarang Ju bahagia mak, seperti doa  mak dulu. Terima kasih mak kerana telah berkorban segalanya buat Ju. Terima kasih juga kerana Ju baru faham betapa kasihnya mak pada kami semua seperti Ju mengasihi setiap orang anak Ju. Terima kasih mak..

Al- Fatihah...



  1. Wish you a Happy Mothers Day dear friend. And may Allah bless 'them' always..jasa mereka tak akan dapat kita balas walau macam mana sekalipun..

    1. I know..I just hope my children enjoy me as their mother as I cherish every moment I spent with mak..

  2. salam,
    sedihnya baca entry ni..
    happy mothers day to u..

    1. I am sad too..but I am happy Allah had granted her wish to die there..
