
Friday, July 13, 2012


I did one crazy thing today..I took part in 4x100 my age..with my cesarean tummy still raw..with my legs painful every time I are really crazy wut..

Well, we had our family day today. I was supposed to to be the VIP but then when they were looking for volunteer to complete a one wants... to no avail, out of sudden I just simply put up my hand. I was surprised looking at myself volunteering. Are you crazy? Crazy I was, I was the third runner of my team and we finished third. Not bad..considering the fact that I was competing with the younger generation runners.

When I took my seat next to the other VIPs later, I thanked Allah. Lucky I didn't fall down. If it happens, that will be no end of my husband's "letering" ( what is the English word for this eh? ). I went home safe and sound..say nothing to him..hehehe.

That would be the last..I will never try this again. However, now I know I still can run away from the neighbour's dog if he choose to chase me next time..huhuhu

Till then..


1 comment:

  1. no more running for me...dah kena..semputttt... age dah menaik kan...
